ROOM 301: Ate, Her Husband and the Naughty Child(?)

“I can’t remember now, but maybe it was your fault because you’re naughty,” said ate.

We were talking about a time when we were playing a video game with two other friends, and she suddenly became quiet. I always wondered about it, so I asked her why during one of our many, many long drives in Canada; and that’s what she said. 😆

It’s true.

I can be quite naughty. 😆

I can also be quite childish. 😆 (Maybe it’s one of the reasons why I get along with my younger students. 😆)

So while ate and her husband were touring me around Canada, taking me to places I wanted to see and buying me food I wanted to try, I felt like a child traveling with her older relatives. 😆


On my last day in Canada, we went to a recycling center where we could exchange used bottles for a bit of money.

We got 9 dollars (about 900 yen), and ate’s husband gave them to me and said it was for pocket money. 😂 I told ate about it and she said, “Ooh, you’re already practicing how to be a father.” 😂😂

It was funny because I did feel like a child getting money even though ate’s husband is a year younger than me. 😂

At the beginning, he seemed a bit shy around me. On my first day in Canada, after he and I had come back from sightseeing at a town 1.5 hours away by car, ate said, “My husband wants to know if you prefer to talk a lot or not when he’s driving you around.”

He was seated beside her so I laughed and asked why she was asking instead of him, and she said, “I don’t know! I told him to just ask you, but he’s being shy.” 😆

Eventually though, he became more comfortable around me, and when ate saw just the two of us hanging around, she took pictures because she thought it was cute and called us bffs. 😆


I, on the other hand, felt completely at home from the beginning. 😆

When I first arrived at their place, ate said, “Are you feeling shy?”

I said, “Why? Am I acting shy?”

She said, “No. I’m just asking because my husband is here too.”

I said, “I’m not.”

She said, “Good. Don’t be shy or embarrassed to say if you need anything or don’t want something.”

Ate is one of my closest friends, so I was completely comfortable. In fact, the next morning, I woke up much later than the two of them, even though I promised I would make pancakes for breakfast. 😆

Her husband made breakfast instead. 😅

He was worried our friendship would break if we spent two weeks together nonstop, but I’m glad to report that it didn’t happen. 😁

Ate and I spent a lot of time teasing each other, talking about important things, and also learning new things about each other. I’m really glad that our friendship has remained strong after all these years, despite the very large distance between us.

I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I will continue to do my very best to keep in touch with friends despite big distances and the passing of time, so I can keep the good people I’ve met in my life. 😊
