Road to JLPT N5 (Pt. 3)

Before my younger students’ term tests begin, I usually ask them whether they’re ready for them and we talk about what subjects they think will be difficult or easy or okay.

Tomorrow is the JLPT exam. If I were to ask myself what I ask my students, I would say I’m not so ready for the exam. 😅

Months ago, when I decided to take the exam, I read somewhere that I didn’t need to learn any kanji characters for the N5 level.

Two weeks ago, after I finished learning all the vocabulary I needed, I discovered that around 100 kanji characters will be used in the test. 😧😧

It’s only 100, but for someone like me who has used and read only 26 letters for most of my life, remembering 100 characters that don’t always make sense is a very difficult thing to do.

Luckily, a few years ago, when one of my friends asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I said I wanted a kanji practice book and she sent me one. 💓

Since then, I learned the kanji characters in the book slowly, so all I needed to do the past two weeks was to review. 🍀

I finished reviewing today, and I remembered some of them from before. I’m not confident I can remember them tomorrow though.

I’m not as ready for the exam as I want to be, but I’m not worried because worrying about it is not going to make anything any better. In fact, I’m a bit excited because the test site is Ritsumeikan University. It’ll be my first time to enter a university in Japan. I can’t wait. 🌟


I'm a bookworm who hates writing on books - even practice ones.

I’m a bookworm who hates writing on books – even when I’m supposed to. 😆