30 Day Challenge: A Story a Day

Last month some of my students and I talked about trying or challenging something new for 30 days, and I decided I would do it this month.

When I started taking Japanese lessons this year, my teacher gave me a Japanese story book to read, but I have not read it because I didn’t have time for it.

This month, I will make time for it and I will read one story per day for 30 days.

I have just finished reading the first story, which is entitled うみ. It has about 20 words, but I only knew 3. I had to translate all the other words and I don’t understand the grammar.

I think the story is about the sea, the moon, the waves, and a ship. It’s confusing. I don’t understand it, but, actually, this story is the shortest one and the only one in hiragana.

I think reading this book will be more difficult than I thought.