Philippines in February I

The new school year has started, and I gave my first lessons of the school year today.

It was nice to see my students and talk to them again, but I can’t believe that spring break is over. I’m so tired from my trip going back to the Philippines that I still want more break. 😆

In December 2022 when I returned to the Philippines, it was so busy because of the Christmas season that I got so tired and wanted to go back to Japan so I could rest. 😆

So I decided that next time I go back home it would be in February. But it had been a long time that I’d been in the Philippines in February that I forgot that the biggest festival of my hometown is held in February. 😆

The flower festival is a one-month event that celebrates my region’s flower industry, and the biggest event is the parade, which was held on the exact day I returned to my hometown.




When I arrived at the bus station, there were so many local tourists waiting in line for a bus. I was worried that my city would be as crowded and the streets would be as jammed like in December, but they weren’t.

I made the right decision! ⭐

Because I didn’t have to prepare for any celebrations at home and because the roads weren’t always jammed, I was able to visit my favorite places and do many things I wanted to do.

But because I have a big family, I was still quite busy because there were a lot of people I had to meet!

In my next post, I will write all about it. 😁