AWARDS 2024, Part V

One of the things I do at the beginning of every school year with my younger students, whatever their English level, is to go through basic grammar rules because I think they’re important in mastering grammar.

I always start with nouns, and I sometimes give them a quiz to check their vocabulary and if they understand nouns. One time when I asked a student to give me nouns that begin with letter D. . .



Me: Name five animals that I like.

Student: Dogs. . .dragons. . .



I like fantasy novels and movies, so I was happy that my student guessed that I like dragons, but I never thought of them as animals so her answer was really funny. 😆

That’s the end of Awards 2024, and also the end of the English conversation lessons this school year. I can’t wait to hear more fun and funny stuff from my students next year. 😁