Online: A Month Later
On this day last month Inari-juku went online. A day before that I wrote that I was worried and nervous about how I would give lessons online, especially to my younger students. I wish I can say that I am not worried anymore, but that is sadly not the case. Every week I worry about what to do in my lessons the next week, and every day I wonder if the lessons I have made are effective or useful.
I spend so much more time preparing for my lessons that time goes by so quickly and I feel like it has been months since we have gone online. Everyone – EVERYONE – is adjusting to life under the threat of COVID19 and many people are having a much harder time than I am. I don’t want to complain and I know some of my students enjoy taking lessons online, but I wish SO MUCH that everything goes back to normal soon. 🙏🙏🙏
Until then, I’ll try to be as positive as I can and I will continue to be grateful to my students who have adjusted to the situation and who keep going with me even though I make mistakes and I’m such a mess sometimes. 🙇💛
Also, until then, take care! 🍎