English Board Updated
I’ve been very busy with work so I haven’t had time to update the English Board, but this week I made it a priority so it has changed. Here are what you can expect from the updated board:
- Word of the Week – I changed the weekly proverb to weekly word because I think it might be more useful, especially because I’ll try to put words that are timely. Under the example I’ll give, anyone can write their own example to practice using the word in a sentence.
- Matching Activity – Anyone interested can match two words to create a term related to summer. It isn’t it done yet and it looks messier that I thought it would be, but I should be able to finish it tomorrow and it shouldn’t be so difficult to handle.
That’s it! It’s not a lot, but that’s what I come up with the time I have and resources I have. When it’s time to update again (maybe in autumn – haha), I will hopefully have more ideas.