Day 16: Ghosts in the Daytime
Today’s story has many words I don’t know so I couldn’t understand anything except that it’s about a man named シンさん, his wife, and a ghost.
I couldn’t understand the title either so I had to use Google Translate and I learned that ゆうれい means ghost. I thought ghost in Japanese was お化け, so I’m glad to learn ゆうれい because I like ghost stories.
Because I couldn’t understand the story, I don’t have any opinion of it. The picture with the story, however, was interesting. It’s a picture of the man and the ghost.
The man looks like Japanese men from long ago (maybe), but the woman has orange hair. It’s strange because I don’t think Japanese people from long ago had orange hair or used hair dye.
illustrator – a person who draws or creates pictures for magazines, books, etc.
I guess the ghost was from Europe or The Levant?