(Optional) Holiday Homework

The summer/Obon holiday of Inari-juku has begun and, as I said to my students, they will have an optional listening homework so they can have a bit of English at home to listen to.

The homework is to listen to one or two or all of the songs below and try to get the missing words. I gave the songs difficulty rating (● ○ ○ ○ ○ is very easy) to give an idea of how hard it might be to get the missing words.

Even if you can’t, it’s all right! The goal is to practice, not be perfect. 😁😁


(you will find the link to the song inside the file and you can type your answers):
● ● ○ ○ ○ Colourful by Kalpee
● ● ● ○ ○ Bam Bam by Camila Cabello
● ● ● ● ○ This Is How We Do by Katy Perry

(please open only after you do the listening homework):
Colourful by Kalpee (answers)
Bam Bam by Camila Cabello (answers)
This Is How We Do by Katy Perry (answers)