Netflix Recommendations I
Now that the Genius series is over, I’ve nothing to write about again; but when I was sick I didn’t work at home and I relaxed by watching Netflix instead. This gave me an idea to recommend shows and movies on Netflix for English language learners, which is what I will do this week on this blog.
This first list is for young English language learners who aren’t good at English yet. I’m recommending the shows below for young learners because they’re children’s shows in the US, but I think anyone with an open and willing mind can use them to learn English.
I myself have watched the first show on this list with my brother when he was younger and I was in university; and I still learned something from the show, so this list actually is for anyone interested.
1. Dora the Explorer

When I watched with brother, I copied to Dora when she told me to, answered her when she asked questions and even sang some of her songs with her. Dora usually asks her viewers to say the same things again and again, which is good because this helps her viewers remember words that they’re learning for the first time. Although I don’t think I’ve learned any new words from her (except a few Spanish words), I did learn her bag pack song and I still remember some part of it until now!
2. Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig is a much newer show than Dora and I haven’t seen it, but I have heard it mentioned by a few Japanese people I know. My friends in the Philippines who have children have mentioned that it too, so I think it’s quite popular, which means it might be interesting for young language learners.
3. Super Monsters
This show can only be watched on Netflix so it might be difficult for those who don’t have Netflix to watch it. It’s also quite new so it doesn’t have a lot of episodes, but it might be interesting. I think so, at least, because I’d rather watch a show with monsters than a pig in a dress. 😆